Monday, November 5, 2012

Pumpkin Math and Ms Theresa from the PWLC

Our lucky winner - she guessed closest to the actual weight of our pumpkin!  This was tricky.  We each had to lift the pumpkin and then we weighed a kindergarten friend and lifted her up to help us make good pumpkin guesses.  Hmmmm?

Do you know why owls don't make a sound when they fly?  Ask your kindergartner what is so special about an owl's wings.

Estimating and measuring!

Estimating how much yarn it will take to reach ALL the way around this pumpkin!  Thank you Mary Jo for helping us!

Checking to see if we were right.

Mrs. Schoeneck visiting her son in Philly.  He played Bob Wallace (Bing Crosby)  in the musical White Christmas.

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