Saturday, September 20, 2014

Yummy Apple Pie!

Some of us are already great spellers - we are learning
about labeling apple parts.
sed, nics (read backwards) , cor, lef
(I love kindergarten!)

Apple Taste Test!
Which one was the lucky winner -
Which  had the most?  The least?  How many more?  Tricky!


Working on patterns!

Making apple pies!  

Our skin protects us.  An apple's skin protects it too!
We made some predictions about what will happen
to Mr. Apple without his skin.
Stay tuned and we will let you know!

We cut open an apple and found THIS!
Ask your child if the star was in the apple all along,
or was it Mrs. Schoeneck's magic hat that put it there?
Hmmmm...  It was a split vote in class yesterday!  :)

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