Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The Runaway Pumpkin Adventure!

Pumpkin Picking - What's My Letter?
What's My Sound?

Spot It!  We REALLY have to focus to play this game.

I have - Who has?

Why do some feathers make noise and others do not?

The owl's feather is silent.  Ask your child why.

Can you tell which is the tree bark and which is the owl's wing?

Getting ready to do some measuring!

Purple P's!

How many cubes tall was this HUGE pumpkin?

We tried to lift it - it was HEAVY!
Ask your child which was heavier - Luke or the pumpkin?

We tried out best to sink this big thing! 

The Runaway Pumpkin -
Did it make it to the sandbox or the picnic table?

Partners working on a pumpkin plan -

More planning - we are tremendous problem solvers! 

We estimated the amount of string it would take to get around the
middle of our pumpkin.  Some of us were pretty close.

We  each took turns lifting our friend Luke and then the
pumpkin to determine which was heavier.
Ask your child what we thought, and then what we discovered!

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