Monday, December 8, 2014

Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer!

A penny's worth 1 and a nickel's worth 5.  This tricky girl came up with a great
way to show this to her friends!  

Kinder friends had to pay a nickel for a nose - 

and a penny for the tape to make it stick!

Recording our friends' numbers.
The initial lesson was to give our friends clues so they could
guess their own number, but it was too hard not to peek
or tell someone what their number was!  :) 

Can you remember who had their name in the Santa book?
Favorite quote of the day -
Mr. Colbeck:  "I bet Mrs. Schoeneck's name is even here."
Kinder Friend:  "Santa doesn't bring presents for big kids!"  

Here we are as either the fox or coyote in our favorite version
of the gingerbread man.  We are swimming across the
river with the gingerbread man on our back.

Oh My!  The river grows higher!  The gingerbread man must jump on our head!

It grows higher still .  "Jump on my nose!"  

Snip Snap Snout - this tale is told out!  

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